Unleashing Imagination: Guide to the Rube Goldberg Exhibit at Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum



Rube Goldberg's Exhibit at Please Touch Museum
Rube Goldberg’s Exhibit at Please Touch Museum

Venture into the mind of an extraordinary inventor at the Rube Goldberg exhibit at Philadelphia’s Please Touch Museum. This engaging and unique display, aptly named “The World of Hilarious Invention!”, was open from February 4 to May 8, 2022. It features an array of Goldberg’s quirky and unconventional inventions, brilliantly designed with everyday objects used in the most unexpected ways. This exhibit offers children a colorful and interactive journey into the world of invention and problem-solving, making it a must-see for curious young minds.

About the Exhibit

The Rube Goldberg exhibit is a visual delight, replete with vibrant, hands-on installations. Here, children can interact with a variety of Goldberg machines scattered throughout the area. These fascinating contraptions provide an opportunity for children to assemble different moving parts, creating a domino effect of chain reactions. By resetting each part, children can unravel the mysteries of how these unique machines operate.

Tips for a Fun and Educational Visit

Rube Goldberg The Cleaning Machine Please Touch Museum
Rube Goldberg The Cleaning Machine Please Touch Museum

A trip to the Rube Goldberg exhibit is sure to be a memorable one. However, to make the visit even more enjoyable and educational for both you and your child, here are some insider tips:

  1. Participate actively: Engage with your child as they explore the exhibit. Rather than instructing from afar, get involved and allow room for trial and error. Model patience and persistence when facing challenges.
  2. Take your time: Each exhibit section offers an opportunity for discovery and learning. Allow ample time for exploration and experimentation. Remember, understanding the intricacies of these machines may require several attempts and a lot of patience.
  3. Use context cues: Keep an eye out for arrows, numbers, and letter sequences on various signs. These cues can guide your child in understanding the functioning of the machines.
  4. Try different approaches: Resetting the machines can be done forwards or backward. Experiment with both methods to see which works best.
  5. Encourage problem-solving: Let children know that working with these machines can be challenging. Frame the exhibit as an opportunity to develop problem-solving skills.
  6. Adults can learn too: These machines are complex, and adults can also benefit from the learning process. If you’re open to learning, this exhibit can be an enjoyable experience. Remember, verbalizing your thought process can be a powerful example for your child.
  7. Embrace setbacks: There may be moments when your child encounters difficulties with a machine. Use these instances as opportunities to teach resilience and persistence. Celebrate their achievements and encourage them when they face challenges.


Exhibit at Rube Goldberg Exhibit Please Touch Museum
Exhibit at Rube Goldberg Exhibit Please Touch Museum

The Rube Goldberg exhibit at the Please Touch Museum offers a unique and enriching experience for children and adults alike. Its hands-on approach to learning, combined with the fun and excitement of Goldberg’s wacky inventions, ensures a visit filled with discovery, laughter, and valuable lessons in problem-solving and persistence. So, gear up for an adventure into the world of hilarious invention and experience the magic of Rube Goldberg’s creative genius at the Please Touch Museum.

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